Friday, November 16, 2012

On November 2, 2012, one of my colleague posted on her blog title: Politics: A Play On Words, how throughout her life until now, she has totally labelled herself  Republican because of the environment in which she found herself  and not because she was convinced that she was a Republican. She made mention of the fact that all around her were Conservatives including her own parents.Thus, in order not to be an outcast, she sheepishly join the train out of naivety.This is actually not something strange in respect to politics and in almost all spheres of life. Giving a modern democracy where people make judgements and draw conclusions based on limited information, what she did is the same thing most people will do. 
            This kind of trend is what, I think has led to the downfall of most well respected countries and people. Basing your judgement and surrendering your entire life on the whims and caprices of others, without your own conviction is like "a living death." This is a very dangerous kind of practice because, the individual when he or she finally comes to his or her senses, the consequences are disastrous. There is no greater joy than doing something you really love to do without any body pressurizing you. Every individual should be presented with choices, and allowed the freedom to decide !


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