Friday, September 14, 2012

On Thursday,September 14, 2012. MSNBC, broadcasted on Chicago's teachers, setting out to strike for the fifth consecutive day.

America's education remains "the wonder of the world". This explains why a proud parent like myself and millions of others out there, can't seat and fold their arms when issues arises that temper with it ( education). The ongoing teachers strike on one of America's third largest school district is a must read and follow article by all Americans. As US citizens, i strongly believe that, we all have the right and responsibility to  make sure our Children benefit maximally from all that this great land has to offer as far as academics is concern. Teachers in Chicago has been on strike for the fifth day today, asking for better teaching conditions for America's kids. Their chief complain has been  on better and improve standard of Chicago's classrooms and also on increase pay. I think this news article is worth reading because education is the backbone of any society and any thing that stands on the way to hinder education, is something that must be look into.